so, finally there is a comment section for each post….and its not the s/w guy in the ofice who’s behind it, but my very own personal sweet wife…she has been insisting that this template has a comments option and i have been vehemently refusing…now she has another point on her side when we dicuss computers, software and all the stuff thats in the same jungle……
saw darna mana hai, good concept , but one of the worst climaxes ever…. he did it with bhoot, and now with this….wonder when he will get out of the bad climax genre… ;-)i got a thought from one of aftab’s dialogues, my wife thinks i have gone loony, its an abstract question, ” when a guy runs a race alone and finishes it, is he first or last”…
theres an ok article on rediff about netiquette, catch it here…there are things turning up in all the places they shouldnt be, an unmentionable in stew, pesticides in coke , and pepsi and most of the other soft drinks…and that still leaves their sales unaffected!!, read it here…the new joke on colas are that there is a whole lot of demand for them in punjab , kerala etc, farmers are stocking cans and bottles to use them as pesticides….if you have an opinion on the race last sunday, especially if you are a staunch williams fan, have your say here…and finally in
manuscrypts trivia
its from bihar….DRIVING LICENSE APPLIKASON PHARUMNOTE: If you dont know the answers, please copy from another applikasonphorum and submit. For further instructions, see bottom of applikason.Please do not shoot the person at the applikason kounter. He will giveyou the license immediately.Last name: (Yadav/Sinha/Pandey/Mishra/do not know)First name:( _ ) Ramprasad( _ ) Lakhan( _ ) Sivaprasad( _ ) Lalooprasad( _ ) Dont know(Tick in appropriate box)Age:( _ ) Less than gero( _ ) Gero( _ ) Greater than gero( _ ) Don’t knowSex: ____ M _____ F _____ not sure _____ not applicableChappal Size: ____ Left ____ RightOccupation:( _ ) Politician( _ ) Doodhwala( _ ) Pehelwaan( _ ) House wife( _ ) Un-employed( _ ) GoondaSpouse’s Name: __________________________Relationship with spouse
_ ) Sister( _ ) Brother( _ ) Aunt( _ ) Uncle( _ ) Cousin( _ ) PetNumber of children living in household: ___dozNumber that are yours: ___Mother’s Name: _______________________Her Husband’s name: _______________________(If not sure, leave blank)Ejjucason: 1 2 3 4 (Circle highest grade completed)Do you ( _ )own or ( _ )rent( _ )or forcibly occupy your home? (Checkappropriate box)___ Total number of vehicles you own___ Number of vehicals that still crank___ Number of vehicals in front yard___ Number of vehicals in back yard___ Number of vehicals on cement blocks___ Number of vehicals on four legsFirearms you own and where you keep them:____ truck____ bedroom____ bathroom____ kitchen____ shed____ WaistModel and year of your vehical(s) _____________ 194_Do you have a gun rack? ( _ )Yes ( _ ) No; If no, please explain:Newspapers/magazines you subscribe to, though you cannot read,( _ ) Champak( _ ) Indrajal( _ ) Chacha Choudhary( _ ) The great Bihar Dairy( _ ) Blank sheets___ Number of times you’ve SHOT a political leader/policeman/anybody___ Number of times you’ve SHOT another person exactly like you ___Number of times you’ve SHOT yourself.(SHOOTING YOURSELF IN MIRROR ISPOOR SHOOTING)Do you bathe?( _ ) Yes( _ ) No( _ ) Not applicableIf yes, how often do you bathe?( _ ) Weekly( _ ) Monthly( _ ) YearlyColor of teeth:( _ ) Yellow( _ ) Brownish-Yellow( _ ) Paan Brown( _ ) Black( _ ) Others – Give exact color (call nearest Asian Paints dealer if Udon’t know the color of your teeth) :______________( _ ) Not applicableHow far is your home from a paved road?( _ )10 miles ( _ )20miles ( _ )don’t know what road is____________________Your thumb imparesson(If you are copying from another applikason pharom, please do not copythumb impresson also. Please provide your own thumb impresson.PLEASE DO NOT USE FINGERS OF YOUR LEGS.Use thumb on your left hand only. If you dont have left hand, use yourthumb on right hand. If you do not have right hand, use thumb on lefthand.NOTE : IF YOU DON’T HAVE BOTH HANDS, YOU CANNOT DRIVE