
Andre Agassi I picked up the book after reading an interesting anecdote from it on how Agassi cracked the Boom Boom Becker serve, and then only sparingly used the knowledge so Becker wouldn’t know he knew the tell! I haven’t read autobiographies before and didn’t know what to expect, but what I did get from […]


S. L. Bhyrappa Like many good books, this one too made its way into my list in a random fashion. A friend saw the different Mahabharata versions on my shelf and asked me if I had read this one. I hadn’t even heard of it! I initially thought I’d skip because I thought it was […]

Habba Kadal

If you’re here for the wooden bridge located in Srinagar that crosses the Jhelum river, sorry! Perhaps my search optimisation is finally working. This is about the Kashmiri restaurant in Whitefield, Bangalore. Though it has been around for at least a year, we chanced upon it only very recently, thanks to a conversation with neighbours. […]

The Coming of Age

Simone de Beauvoir Sometime back, during a college reunion, D’s friend mentioned how she was shocked when she realised that she (and therefore us) were ‘those people’ who were being referred to as ‘middle aged’. A couple of years ago, I had written a blog post on entering the second half of my life, which […]