Brand – ego vs evolution
On a brand building journey, should the brand be driven by self image or self actualisation? One is driven by ego, the other by evolution. Is there a middle path, and if yes, how can that be traversed?
On a brand building journey, should the brand be driven by self image or self actualisation? One is driven by ego, the other by evolution. Is there a middle path, and if yes, how can that be traversed?
My take on the importance of a world view in brand building. With the ever-reducing shelf lives of brand and marketing play books, a “skin in the game” approach is a strategic imperative. What is that, how does one arrive at it – my perspectives using Nike as an example.
Taylor Pearson wrote an excellent primer on blockchain a while ago. While explaining why blockchain matters, he quoted something by Alfred North Whitehead Photo by Joshua Newton on Unsplash
The notion of trust has seen tectonic shifts across time. A simplistic look at the changes that have happened, and a quick peek at how a technology like blockchain can be framed in this context.
Timehop, which takes me on a nostalgia trip everyday, reminded me recently that it has been a year since I wrote The Change Imperative. The opening slide features a quote – “If you don’t like change, you’re going to like irrelevance even less“- attributed to Gen. Eric Shinseki. In the times we work in, I believe this […]