Richer, Wiser, Happier: How the World’s Greatest Investors Win in Markets and Life
With access to some of the world’s best investors, William Green gleans investing and life insights from them, and synthesises new lessons.
With access to some of the world’s best investors, William Green gleans investing and life insights from them, and synthesises new lessons.
Playing tourists in our hometown for the second time. We started this in 2020, just before Covid hit. We hope to continue this every year now. Kochi is just so beautiful.
The Bells of Old Tokyo is a beautiful journey across time and space. Anna Sherman does such a good job of transporting the reader across history and present that I found it meditative.
It is easy to call out “stupid” when watching others’ decisions from the sidelines, but how many of our own decisions are really optimised?
Blueprint is one of those mind-opening books – in this case, about how our genes affect not only our bodies and behaviours, but also the ways in which we make and shape societies. Our social suite – identities, love for others, friendships, co-operation etc – is an expression of our genes outside of our bodies, and it affects other people. And therefore, evolution is now worked on by both genes and culture. A great insight that has repercussions on the future of our species. Fascinating read.