I was quite thrilled to be invited to speak at the Mumbai version of the Dachis Group’s Social Business Summit – not just because of my awesome co-speakers, but because this is a platform that has seen the likes of Tony Hsieh and John Hagel earlier this year! To confess, a little nervous too, since (as my friend Kavi Arasu, whom I met for the first time after years of knowing him online, put it) I was going to ‘open the batting’! But in the end, it did turn out very well, judging from the audience reaction. Here’s my presentation – The Currencies of Engagement @ Scale, with a talk flow right below since slides with Yoda and Spock could seem way out of context in the subject of Engagement @ Scale.
The currencies of engagement @ scale
It was a fantastic experience – the crowd, perspectives of co-speakers, meeting Gaurav, Haroon, Nadhiya for the first time outside of Twitter, catching up with Gautam, Sumant, Sanjay and Ideasmith, and being introduced to a whole bunch of people that I hope to be in touch with.
But my biggest thrill was in getting this platform to share my ideas on an evolving domain that I am passionate about, and being appreciated by the likes of Jeff Dachis and Michael Jones. It was both exhilarating, and humbling.
Great kickstart conversation starter from @manuscrypts @dachisgroup @oraclesocial#SBS2013
— Jeff Dachis (@jeffdachis) May 23, 2013
I think it’s fair to say that @manuscrypts #crushedit at #SBS2013 #mindsblown!
— MJ (@mjfreshyfresh) May 23, 2013
A few photos here, though my expressions make it seem more like ComicCon or a theatre workshop! :O
I also wrote a more elaborate post at Medianama. Do take a look.
until next time, #SBS2013 #ftw
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