So it looks like Facebook will start releasing the Timeline feature to brands very soon. Though it is still unknown how this will turn out, there are already what-to pieces across the web. As a page admin, I’ve already given the brief for a cover photo.
It’s something I’m looking forward to, since, if I have to go by the options the feature has given to individual users, there might be some interesting opportunities for brands. This is not just to do with my interest in brandstreams or the potential for collaboration that I hope FB would unleash some day, but also because it allows brands a new storytelling avenue, especially through apps like say, Pinterest.
This is despite not knowing how apps will feature in the new Pages, and in spite of (sometimes damaging) consumer voices floating in between the rosy picture the brand might paint, thought the latter is something most page admins are now used to since the official Reviews, Discussions tabs disappeared.
But these changes also offer a cautionary note to not brands be too dependent on any single platform. As consumer data becomes more of a discussion point and individuals take their identity and information more seriously, this is a good time for a brand to start thinking about setting up a direct line with its consumers and their information.
until next time, information timelines