Weekly Top 5

This week’s updates include Foursquare and Gowalla updates, Twitter photo-sharing on SMS and acquisition of Julpan, Zynga’s addition of Indiana Jones to Adventure World, the Lighthouse Cove expansion of Farmville, Angry Birds theme park in China, Rovio’s tie up with Starbucks, Facebook Newsfeed and Timeline updates and tie-ups with Spotify and Yahoo, Google’s Chrome Store […]

Cafe Malabari

(This review was first published in Bangalore Mirror) Malabar is the northern part of God’s Own Country, lying between the Western Ghats and the Arabian Sea. For those not familiar with Koramangala’s official language, ‘Malabar’ is derived from the word ‘mala’ meaning hill in Malayalam and ‘bar’ has nothing to do with Kerala’s increasing alcohol […]