
Sometime back, I saw this relatively unknown Malayalam movie called ‘Calendar’, starring Zareena Wahab, playing mother to Navya Nair. Zareena’s character is widowed at 21 and she refuses to remarry since she wants to give all her attention to her child. The movie worked for me, despite it being built on the cliched “kid grows […]

Personal Brand

’10ways to unlock your personal brand’ would guarantee hits, but the problem is that I can’t bring myself to write it. That’s what the post is about. The title is because the post is related to me, and the raison d’être of the blog. To give you a quick update, I have been considering various […]


When you have to sift through information about various colleges and courses, choose your career options and then apply, UniApply can be of help. In conversation with co- founder Ranjan Banerjee [scribd id=61843588 key=key-1eogp4m3mdxuj9ywz3uh mode=list]