I’m quite a huge fan of Sherlock Holmes. If you remember, schools had this process in which one student was asked to read from the textbook, and another had to start from where he left off. Though most teachers went along a row, some smart ones picked random students. In Class 8 when ‘The Hound of the Baskervilles’ was part of the syllabus, I was once so engrossed in reading ahead that i got a ‘Get out of the class’. No, the teacher wasn’t really evil, I think i might have irritated her by pronouncing it as ‘hoond’ and then, when corrected, asking whether i could say “Howston, we have a problem.” So yes, though M in ‘The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen’ happens to be Moriarty, Holmes’ arch enemy, and it might be played by Brad Pitt soon, I am a huge fan.
And so i was quite disappointed not to be able to catch ‘Sherlock Holmes’ in the cinema hall in the first week because we were shifting homes. But fate had a mystery in store for me. The curious incident of the dogmatic nozzle in the night time. I can explain, and will.
We managed to bring a semblance of order to the place quite late. The toilet attached to the main bedroom had not been explored much, until then. And when we did, we discovered this strange arrangement.
What do you mean what’s wrong. Its leftist. Doesn’t it strike you that the damn nozzle is on the wrong side? Not a good thing to discover when one is erm, pooped. Since the nearest tap was relatively far, we didn’t have lota options. I have to add – the limited length of the nozzle pipe meant that if you did try using it, i guess the twists and turns required would make you feel a bit like the sari donned Draupadi in the Mahabharata!! Actually in the end, you’d feel like Dushasana – edge of the seat stuff, but you have a headache and still cut a sorry figure. After several minutes of discussions with D, that’s the wife not Dushasana, we realised that we had our backs against the wall, figuratively and otherwise, since the engineer wouldn’t help us out that late in the night. And that’s when I remembered Holmes’ famous admonition – “when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth”
And that’s how I told D that if she wanted to use this loo now, she would need a paradigm shift. I suggested an option that looks like the one on the top in the image below, facing the wall.
She said “What crap. Sometimes you really go potty ”
Ha. Toilet humour, the last resort. I wonder if I should say that for the post too? And that would once again make me the butt of the joke.
until next time, alimentary tracks, my dear Watson?
tch.. tch.. laughing at others’ miseries :p
..and another one !!
HA! HAHAHAHAHA! How did you keep from laughing? I can’t stop laughing at this. I should but I can’t.
hmmmph, you really should :p
ohh..that’s a damn serious matter……..yeah it is!!
finally someone who understands!!
you are too punny to be potty, manuscrypt:) psst: i hear sherlock gets into a fist fight in the movie…i suspect it’s an impostor!
i read about it too!!! good that I missed it!!
What? You haven’t watched Sherlock yet? tch tch.. go watch it.. its superb, but mind you it’s nothing like the books. This Holmes is more like Bond.. of sorts =)
urrgh, the hollywoodisation of sherlock!! damn