In an earlier post – “Brood Mode“, I’d written about expectations, and how sometimes, they cannot be met. In the context of that post, Austere had commented thus “Is it the instant-ness demanded of the response that puts one’s brain to a side?” I messaged her on Twitter, that ‘the time construct’ was something I’d planned to write on next.
Our response time has been shrinking on a continuous basis, twitter, FB etc are a manifestation of that – real time, but the changes have been happening much before that, probably with every advancement we made, not just in communication, but even things like transportation. So, the thought is, if we had more time on our hands, would we be behaving differently with people?
When I was chatting with Meeta recently, we started discussing this, in the context of relationships with people. It started with me saying that the traffic during the daily commute to work, made me forget all the rules I make for myself, because with all the lane cutting and parking woes, its easily a scenario in which you’re either aggressive or you end up on the road, literally. So I wondered if it would be different if there were no time constraints.
Despite only a superficial similarity, I was reminded of another construct – money. What started out as a tool of convenience has enslaved many and managed to dictate their actions. Much like the things we create to crunch time. The similarity ended there. Time is not money. Quite obviously, time exists with or without us, though the latter can force one to ask “Who does it exist for then? So let me put it this way, it is a construct that’s still not fully understood, whereas we made the money construct. But for the fun of it, imagine what you would’ve done if your life wasn’t dictated by time. What if you had all the time in the world. Would you be a different person? Would you behave differently with people?
As it regularly happens these days with me- by sheer coincidence, the day after I had this discussion with Meeta, I came across this work from Hugh MacLeod, which puts it so well
until next time, timed out for a fortnight
Sometimes I reckon time is an excuse. Hmmm
yes, you might be right…
Thanks for putting my temper display upfront.
No- it is not time alone. imho.
hehe.. ok, agreed
Well, in a way, Time IS Money. Not in the literal sense but quasi-literally. Say for instance, the more time you have, the more you will want. The same applies to Money and sleep( I know this is a generalisation but none can refute the fact) It is what we we make use of NOW, at this very instant that matters. Now, I know I may sound like a self-help guru, but imho, time is what adds spice to our lives. Honestly speaking, I wouldn’t enjoy it if my life were to be unrestricted by time. Did you ever think what would happen to our memories? Don’t you think it would be terrible to live with all those memories(good or bad) inside us all the time? (Well, gosh, all the *timelessness*??) Scary thought! This gives me the creeps!
hmm, in our current way of life, i’d agree with you. we are used to the concept of time, and using that construct to dictate almost everything we do.. but i do think that when immortality (or multiple century lifespans) happen, we would have adjusted to that too – memory enhancement, broader scope of experiences (space travel, for instance) would all happen…
LOL people have different approach and perspective towards free time..
not just free time, time per se