It happened exactly a week back. D got to know about it first. I was surprised, especially since I was the one really affected and should’ve known first. I had to share this since you shouldn’t wonder if this site should disappear suddenly at some point. You should know that it could happen to anyone.
It was a rude shock, especially having worked hard for over six years. Forget the long stint, it’s as though all that you’ve done has suddenly been reduced to nothing. I wondered if it was because of my recent online activity splurge, but got to know that it wasn’t personal, other people were affected too.
And it’s thanks to those friends that the nightmare didn’t last long. Help started pouring in. After a few checks, I realised that though the site had been hacked, it was a relatively simple hack, and thanks to some help and some great virtual hand holding, I got the site back on in an hour.
until next time, the great escape
..and on the blog today “the axe effect”
Our youth icon’s site hacked? When where how? I missed all the fun part
PS: What did Manuscrypts say to the hacker?
Ans> MAN..U can SCRIPT!
:p .. his script had Man U… can you believe it??!! “Glory Glory Man Utd” of all things!!
I dont mind a link here in this post for the virtual hand holding bit

ok..shall do
sigh.. thanks..