Wild Spice

Relax. Its the name of a restaurant. 🙂 We heard about the place sometime back from Balu, and since it was just past the swine flu season, thought it a good time to check out some Coorgi stuff (read pork). The restaurant is located on Residency Road right after the Museum Road junction. (map) There […]

Zoozoology..and more

The jury is still out (and perhaps permanently so) on who actually won the IPL – the fake IPL player or the Zoozoos. Both massively popular, they even have conspiracy theories built around them – the identity in case of  the former and the inspiration(cached) in case of the latter. There is even a minority […]

Heard from myself

As it appeared at blogadda.com. Thanks Harish. 🙂 Interview with Manuscrypts ‘Manu is a carbon based life form, quite similar to you, but he has a much tinier carbon footprint,  he claims, but then his consumption is usually his own words’. LOL. This is the trailer of the person whom we have interviewed this week […]