Master Stroke

31. Baskin Robbins. Ice Cream. But a cold played spoilsport. Said he, “So, no ice cream on my birthday?” Said she, “Nope” Said he “Hmmph!! You’re acting pricey because I’m not carrying my wallet” Said she “Let’s put it this way. There are some things that Manu CAN’T buy, for everything else, there’s my MasterCard” […]

Social Deluge

The last time I’d written about Bebo was a year back, in the context of AOL buying it, and a tongue-in-cheek suggestion of getting Kareena Kapoor (whose nickname is Bebo) to be the brand ambassador when they launch in india. Recently,Medianama reported that they were launching this month.  According to ContentSutra, they will be talking […]

Change is here, hard cash?

The question I posed on the Digital Marketing India group in LinkedIn, on whether advertisers would consider Facebook a better place to spend than Twitter, post the FB redesign, yielded a good discussion. Inevitably, the discussion entered the territory of whether the redesign would alter the status of the differentiated audience that each provides, and […]