A whole multitude of them were swept away in the deluge. Others calmly stayed rooted, with the serene acceptance of a ‘Here today, gone tomorrow’ philosophy. They didn’t seem bothered, he thought. But he couldn’t afford the complacency. After all, with the hair being lost every time he bathed, he was one who’d become bald!!
until next time, a hairy tale ending please?
..and on the blog today.. Headcount https://manuscrypts.com/test/?p=1359
that indeed was a hair-raising tale…(couldn’t resist)
Hear, hear!
When head counts are being cut across world this mirrors the broader scheme of things !
But the hair loss being restricted to bathing alone…well, thats something that you may want to think about !!
Nice and pertinent to the current times
I’m temped to give the 55 worder shot myself!
Where do you get such ideas? You have a story around everything that is happening.
another perspective added to ‘headcount’
Is this you? i sense sorrow and self-pity

Hey! I’m dropping by after a long long time. Glad to see you have the humor going.
As interesting as the uncertainty is, I’m ready for this to be over…
PS: I found you on Orkut, I hope you don’t mind
it started as a hairy tail later it was just an end
This must be one of those times you wish the hair played the tortoise.
Got here from Twitter…nice
suma: never resist
shefaly: wear? :p
kavi: yep, just a different perspective
sangfroid: you should, its fun
arunima: nah, once in a while a thought comes along..thanks
anz: thats the idea
canary: evil!! how’ve you been? long time!!
Brood Mode: brr, not interesting at all!! as for Orkut, I do mind a bit, since i’m usually on Facebook :p are you there?
e: what kind of ending were you rooting for?
gauri: thanks.. actually hares breeding like rabbits? :p