The moment went off without a thought. It was only when his wife reminded him that he realized the specialness of the moment. It wasn’t much, but the last time it happened was eighteen years back, in eighth standard. The next day, he chewed over the nostalgic moment a bit before he opened his lunchbox.
until next time, do you remember your favourite school lunch box?
and on the blog today…18 years later
she was pink aluminium with three claps. had a deer embossed.
Mickey Mouse – the ears were those compartments to put chutney in. I had a matching Donald duck water bottle as well.
ummm aqua greenish… with a small box inside. yes I think that was it

Two of my colleagues started getting lunch boxes after they got married
it was my deskmates alumunium tiffin box…i was a boarder…her mother used to keep 2 helping in it so that she cud share it with me…used to eat from all the dayscholars tiffins…
austere: 3? i’m familiar with the 2 kind
Mo: haha, super cool
abhishek: in my case, it was after 5 years of marriage
tys: lol, why am i not surprised.
Awwww.. I love going down memory lane.. No fav tiffin boxes.. busy sampling other tiffins… LOL.. My tiffin used to be eaten by someone else.. LOL