I always wonder what the ‘hard disk’ capacity of the human brain is… maybe we’ve or will figure out ways to quantify it, but unlike the mechanical one, or even ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind’, it will be a long while before we can get to choose what the brain keeps and what it send to the recycle bin. Maybe, by that time, they will also figure out how to ‘upgrade’ the human brain’s capacity.
In terms of memories, we’ve been doing it forever, from clay tablets to computers, the aim has always been to store information, though processing and artifical intelligence did get into the picture later. But having notepad and word documents with dates and activities seems a strange way of documenting life.
Which, i am guessing, is the reasons I stick to Twitter, but am always on the lookout for lifestreaming tools, like the one I have installed here. Its quite twitter heavy but also pulls information from my blogs, and a few other online accounts. I am also hoping to add Facebook status messages to it soon, since that’s also a good chronicler of happenings. This one does that too, but I’m yet to find a way to integrate it here.
In case you’re wondering why this fascination for lifestreaming, think about how you feel when you see an old photograph, hear an old song, meet an old friend.. there are so many associations it throws up.. I bet you can recollect most of these associations now – the dress you were wearing in the photo, where you got it from, where its journey with you ended, why were you looking happy or sad; where you heard that song first, the mood change it causes in you and why, what was generally happening in your life then; under what circumstances you became friends, the fun you used to have together, shared incidents and so on…. Well, I, for one, am not sure, how far back I will be able to remember, what I’ll be able to remember, and for how long… and these things are important to me because together they are what is known as my life.. and it’d be sad if I couldn’t remember the details of my own life, through my own mind or its accessories… thats the reason behind this fascination for lifestreams… maybe its to do with being a sucker for nostalgia..maybe its the way I am built…
I think it would be quite soothing at a later date, to sit back and read up the stuff that brought me to where I’d be then.. to better understand who I was, and perhaps figure out why I did what I did, why things happened to me, and so on..in essence, hunting for a pattern in the chronicle of a human life…
until next time, the sum of our lives….
and on the blog today.. why i’ve this thing about lifestreaming https://manuscrypts.com/test/?p=1288
I’d say there is another way of looking at it… When I look back at the past 4 years (my blogging years) I know what exactly I was doing at that time, if I need extra info, dig into GMail archives and get the information …. but then I do not remember much from my later years of school life and early college life as I do not have any records.. but when I look back at my childhood snaps, I am able to recollect almost everything… and then I have the ready reference of parents and grand-parents
is it that childhood memories are much stronger than adolescent memories? or now we have stop striving to retain the information?
I swear I have OCD. Everything around me has to be tidy and organised, my memories included, be it online or even in my head. Things have a place and when i have to many email or storacge accounts online i get annoyed.
I thought a blog would suffice, if one is using it as a journal?
hmmm…but opposite doesn’t work that well; we don’t ‘record’ many things which we want to remember
I also believe, its not just mind, heart too has its own memory…..whatever mind forgets heart remembers.
Excellent content and style…keep up the good work!
kunal : it could also be due to the associations/significance of the memories.. for me there are no skews that way..
san: the human memory is after all, human
austere: all the waking hours? a twitter + fb status etc would reveal much more…
stone: it wants to remember, whether it can…later, is the question
I am a sucker for nostalgia too. That’s why I read my own blog sometimes, those which I wrote when I started 4 yrs back as they are already memories. Some posts still do make me sad and some still make me laugh.
I am not able to find time to twitter or be active in other networking sites and blogging has been the most fulfilling experience for me.
Good post Manu!
arunima: thank you
Bookmarking sites could be a nice place to keep and share your interesting stuff.
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