She was quite hot. As he prepared himself for what could be a long night, he rubbished the theory that a married couple’s interest in each other waned over time. He still loved his wife as dearly as before. So he was quite worried when he found her hot. He looked around for the thermometer.
until next time, fever
That does give a few of us (disillusioned with the institution)some hope.
he he he.
hehe. hope she is better
I hope she feels better now .:)
if she reads this post, I guess there will be a break before you post again..literately
Hope ‘You’ are fine by now
good sense of humor!!!
p.s: true, those groups exist! but nothing which i goes as high on scale as our “US” counterparts… like organising readings, award functions, cocktail get-together and stuff… so guess we need that, esp with the boom in the blog world! what say?
I hope its cooled down !! LOL !
Viral personi(fication)(fied).
eveline: the institution is great, you just have to customise it
austere: sigh, the end result is not
Cynic: not exactly, but getting there..thanks
sqrl: getting there..thanks
epiphany: got lucky :p
stone: yep
pawan: thanks, but inspired by real life
neers: hmmm, debatable
kavi: sorta
nikhil: that would’ve been better.. aint just a viral
Oh I hope she is better now.