After a really long time, I chanced to see some college kids in action. Some, would be an understatement since it involved half a dozen colleges and a few hundred students. As part of the program, I got to see them in their natural environment, their college. Did that make them sound like animals? Okay, it wasn’t supposed to. It made me think about youth. Not mine, since my memory isn’t too good these days, but the usage of that word to represent the collective.And i realised it doesn’t really do them justice.
For I saw dreamers, the silent types who sat in the corners of the college quad with either eyes glued firmly to a book, or absorbing the world around in general, sometimes with an amused smile.
I saw the show-offs, displaying everything from the latest in gadgets and fashion, to the latest in body art, and equating that in some way with what and who they are.
I saw the absolute rascals, whose single focus was the other gender, and their attention. From what i saw, I thought it was more hormones than nobler intentions of love.
I saw escapists, who learned very early, that it doesnt matter if the grass is green on the other side, or any damn side, you still gotta have it, the grass that is.
I saw those who were full of life, participating in all the contests that were happening, eager to prove, not to anyone else, but to themselves, that they had what it took to excel.
I saw some who had perhaps given up on all that happened around them, some of them with a quizzical expression and some of them trying hard to populate vacant smiles.
I saw those whose looks had more than a trace of rancour, was it against what they were surrounded by, who they were surrounded by or was it against those who were happy in these surroundings?
Youth, the collective term for a population that consists of individuals who are perhaps still trying to find out who and what they are.
And as i sat watching them, I saw some of them stare back at me, as though asking me how life goes, years after you’ve left college? Whether the world you are part of now, resembles the world you used to occupy then. And I would’ve liked to tell them that the world outside does change, but for better or worse, the world within can stay exactly the way it is, if you’d let it. And that perhaps is why some of us never grow up, and some of us feel that we grew up a long time back. And both of these have nothing to do with our age.
until next time, growing up…
This post sent me back into those days, made me nostalgic. The last para makes so much sense! ’cause i started growing up only after March 2nd 2008! No goodies for guessing why that date!!!
“if you let it”
Says it all.
Always was like this, no, the people mix?
brilliant writing… and I was nodding along as I read the last paragraph..
“still trying to find out who and what they are” – By that definition I am NEVER gonna get old
i think most of us moved to and from each of these categories in college, and still do. just that the dreams are different now, and so are the contests..and so is the grass.
yus i know what you mean. i was standing outside a college sometime back and was doing the same – watching them and looking for typologies and comparing them to my classmates ( from the same times).
growing up, growing old, growing pangs.
growing up is not something we humans do well!
i dunno how i landed here, guess from one of my cyber-friends…glad i did!
wow………..thats some fentastic looking site and reading stuff, great to see you here
austere: yes, amazingly so, and we still stick to only age categorisation..
thanks kunal
epiphany: exactly what i was saying, it has nothing to do with age..
sqrlnt: yes, the more things change, the more they remain the same, huh?
cynic: yup, ‘growing up’pangs, i guess
hey neers, thanks
sapna: thanks
Brilliant post! Love the way you write… You’ve got a new fan!
well i should say that is an extremely amazing piece of writin!!!
as the previosu commentu have another fan!!!
well to say im surprised by ur description!!!!