18 thoughts on β€œPanchvi Pass”

  1. Congratulations!

    I am turning 4 very soon. Not many bloggers continue to blog past three years. You are one of those people who have inspired me to go on.

  2. Awesome achievement!!
    I always look forward to Mondays and thursdays πŸ™‚

    @Manu and Arunima :: my blog will be completing 4 yrs soon, and I started my blog after following you guys πŸ™‚

  3. did you actually start before me :)… been good to have you around mate!

    And Stone, you have hardly done any blogging in them 4 years bro!

  4. Congrats…Here’s wishing that Mauscrypts keep rolling on bundles of papyrus…keep up d good work!

  5. whoaaa…just read about SWB turning a bloggy 5 and now you.

    Happy 5th Blog anniversary to you.

    You, SWB, anita, arunima are some of the bloggers I used to read way back when and it’s great to see all of us still around.

  6. And I always wondered what this number ’55’ stood for in the label! Now I know!! πŸ˜€ Good work! Keep it up!

  7. thanks stone πŸ™‚

    SwB: i think, a few days… mine was a case of boredom induced blogging πŸ™‚

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