And they walked on, through the twists and turns of joys and sorrows and mundane experiences. They were happy, they knew that such was life. The only sadness was that through the twists and turns, they lost sight of who they were when they started out, and now there was no time to go back.
until next time, keeping track
hmm.. they say but “it’s never too late”
such is life..
natural progression ??? or lets say.. growth.. in a way.. ??? whatever…
Didn’t they start the journey so that they are no longer stuck with familiarity?
anon: for some things yes, maybe not all
sqrl: yup
pallavi: growth? thats what i wonder…
epiphany: possibly but not always so.. sometimes we start without knowing where we’re setting out for..
austere: like in the beginning, they dont know their destination