He waited patiently, then impatiently, while they searched. Strange, they said, the document numbers above and below his were intact. Irritated, he wondered why they didn’t convey this when he called up the day before. As they took the documents from a separate drawer, their looks said it all – couldn’t you have conveyed THAT earlier?
until next time, customer service for dummies
Lol. So which confounded bunch of “efficient” customer service chaps did this to you?
bank affairs?
Hahahaha. Ah, the forever falling standards of customer service – if they do have standards, that is.
Unfortunately, abuses, sarcasm, politeness nothing works. I’d like to have such a thick skin too.
why ur posts are getting shorter and shorter?
all your fault
ziah: them allianz people
austere: worse, insurance
drenched: partly my fault too, so no comments
cynic: oi, 55s