True. The five elements are in us. The water coursing within, in various forms. The earthy smell that’s emanated. The air breathed in, leaving in myriad forms. The fire burning within, but embracing too, and the combination creating the effect of floating in space. No, not an abstract post, the result of a gastric infection
until next time, gut wrenching 
aww. Get well soon.
manu , get well soon…btw , i really dont think the element of fire exist in our body…wht we have is warmth due to the movement of the atoms but never strong enuf for a fire…fire reduces everything to ash, while as our body is a lot like a cesspool, its fermentation that takes place within us…
hey, where am i going with this? just get better…
Norflox TZ.
Burning hunger has been quenched by this air, eh?
air leaving in myriad forms
hope you are well already.
Stomach churning post man!
Stomach churning post man!
jyo: done
tys: hmmmph, fever!!!
MAAN: words werent enough for complete expression