The more things change…
the more they remain the same…. Gandhi was the man they followed then, we still do.. until next time, happy birthday India.
the more they remain the same…. Gandhi was the man they followed then, we still do.. until next time, happy birthday India.
The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Just tell him its flat Speaking of ways into men’s hearts, saw an interesting comment here. When the interviewer asked SRK about the cold war between him and the bachchans, SRK said shabby (or should it be shaB? abhishek with that awful beard and […]
The vacuum left behind by Heroes has been partally filled by the series that occupies the same time slot- Boston Legal. Also, it helps that i can bug D when they show the city shots with ‘Do you know this place?’, since she spent some time there recently.. And i love the night shots of […]
She gripped it hard at first, rubbed it all over, then rolled it. Then she started shaking it vigorously.This was when his irritation just burst out. “If you’re doing it, do it properly, otherwise, I’ll do it and let you know when its ready.You’re making it look as though you’re doing it for my sake.”, […]
The past several months has seen a frenzy in what is called web2.0 in general parlance, and the lions’ share of it is being done by and in relatively new entities… which has led to a few experts already snooping around for the proverbial bubble… I’m not expert enough to comment on that, but i […]