It used to amaze me how D used to serve me the right quantity always, and i never had to waste anything, unless of course, it happened tobe something i detested, like brinjal or lady’s finger (yuck!!)
But i suddenly realised a few days back that it was more of a planning that i did in my head that made it right.. yeah, yeah, sometimes i am duh!! I also realised that it might reflect the way we treat life, and with that said, contrary to the blog policy (for once), here’s a forward i got.. Its a bit long, but worth the read, me thinks..
until next time, i’m no: 4, what kind are you?
me three, and sometimes point one and sometimes two
Lady’s finger!!
But I like them brinjal and lady’s fingers.
what’s wrong with bhindi and baingan and doodhi, not to mention gavar, kohla and suchlikes?
angreji nahi aati. :))
will read the saved forward in some, will it save me?
much ado about a poor masala dosa…
What about the people who don’t like masala dosa?
what kind am i? more generous than kind
I’m with you regarding bhindi….I just hate it.
Give me my onion Uthhapam anyday!!
Still, I relish my dosa by eating crunchy corners w/o any masala, and then proceed to eat it as it comes.
P.S — And I start from one end.
huh! couldnt find my kind in there.. that would be people who are difficult to pin down?
and no 4 is rare, it seems. sooo…ooo..ooooo ( I know , guess I didnt have anything better to do on a friday night)
burf: and what case in two?
TCWB: in case you noticed, ” i detested” each his own…
austere: everything!!! and not’re too far gone ..hehe
AP: ah, a good point.. maybe cannot be typecast?
sreejith: sure? :p
wonder what kind that is…
madhu: it is?