The vacuum left behind by Heroes has been partally filled by the series that occupies the same time slot- Boston Legal. Also, it helps that i can bug D when they show the city shots with ‘Do you know this place?’, since she spent some time there recently..
And i love the night shots of the city, to be precise, the ones which show the high-rise apartments, not just in this particular show, but any city.. No, come to think of it, its only the American cities, not say, the London ones or even the local mumbai ones… strange, but thats okay…I’ve wondered about this fascination for high rise apartment night shots, and i am yet to get a complete answer from myself… but i have been able to get some insights…
in the shots, each of those tiny lights is a window into the life of a person/ family… each of those has a story to tell – some exciting, some mundane, some funny,some tragic.. but each a story nevertheless… and more importantly, it perfectly symbolifies a lot of lives – in a crowd, yet alone…
until next time, story of our lives…..
actually i did not like this season of boston legal.. dennie cranne is no longer funny… and alan shore is no longer as sarcastic as one would expect him to be.. and tara etc r missing
Hmm, then why do you not like the Mumbai city shots…don’t the apartments there have rooms with a view?
I liked that idea@windows into lives.. niceee
true enough, Boston Legal’s always fair game for half an hour.Though lives of most people/families almost always have a story in them, I’d prefer the sea myself ….
just browsing
Hmm true…..

(of a building) having several or many stories.
If D cannot answer your questions, then all you have to do is go through the album I once sent you and see if I photographed them.
But then, it is not the same as bugging D, yes?
strange! i was just thinking the same while looking out my window.
drat… stone’s already cracked the story pun
High rises typify our existence..Live in the same land, each to a cocoon, not knowing the other !
ankur: i think shatner is trying to be more subtle, he has his moments.. and julie bowen is just fine..:)
ash: too close to reality?
alien :
nipun: the sea is good too, both work, but differently, at least for me
stone: thats better
hyde: yup, you got it right
bips: cosmic twins
sreejith: ah, i think i shall omit puns to see more duels ..hehe