She gripped it hard at first, rubbed it all over, then rolled it. Then she started shaking it vigorously.This was when his irritation just burst out. “If you’re doing it, do it properly, otherwise, I’ll do it and let you know when its ready.You’re making it look as though you’re doing it for my sake.”, he said sarcastically.
She didnt know what she was doing wrong, for already the effects of her work was showing. It was getting moist, a sureshot sign that it was responding to her touch. “ok, see if something is coming out”, she said.
“No, nothing is coming out. This is becoming an everyday thing now. Next time, we’ll buy that jar pack. Coconut oil bottles in winter are a pain!!
until next time, get a grip!!
lolz.. you are hilarious.
Okay, that was real ‘clean’ humour. Good show
hee haw hee haw!
i have a dirty mind.. and with posts like these.. it goes plain bonkers
Hey why don’t u become an ad director man
Didn’t see that ‘coming’
Hai na kamaal ka dhakkan?
Oh what a mindjob!
Hahaha…. good humour writing
Tch. FOr once I agree with ‘attempted humor’. I have more adjectives to go before that
Or after that, depending on how you want them 
lolll..that was a NICE one!!:)
thanks pearl
ideasmith: yup, yup rated ‘G’ blog n all
ankur: hehe
layon: nah, better to blog
stone: thats it!!! have you been replaced by a bot?!!say something!!
sreejith: that was the idea.. appealing to pent up emotions
hey kavi
shobha: thank ye maam
TRQ: 1 out of 15, so i guess i’m doing okay.. as always, to each their own