Still Trippin’ They almost threw me out when i asked them if i can get travel reimbursement for ego trips.until next time, we need humour resources No related posts.
Watched a movie named ‘egotrip’ long back…so idea aaya…planning to ask reimbursement for ‘Aap ka Suroor’ from G…lets see Reply
LOL … that wud be nice .. most of my managers wl make more than theri monthly salaries from their reimbursement Reply
manu, here on your blog after ages. How’re you? Twas really nice reading your blog again. I moved mine around a year ago. So the cc has now become argentyne Take care and great post Reply
Damn neat! Thank God for providing you with the knack of finding humour in seemingly bad things …Ego trips Reply
Watched a movie named ‘egotrip’ long back…so idea aaya…planning to ask reimbursement for ‘Aap ka Suroor’ from G…lets see
ha ha ha
And I’m still laughing…thank god someone’s retained a sense of humour today!
In my case these were e-Go trips so it was okay…till they asked for a ticket
LOL … that wud be nice .. most of my managers wl make more than theri monthly salaries from their reimbursement
manu, here on your blog after ages.
Twas really nice reading your blog again. I moved mine around a year ago. So the cc has now become argentyne 
How’re you?
Take care and great post
hahaha…but seriously if they start doing that, any company would go broke!!
layon: haha, else gift an HR hits cd
hey silverine
ideasmith: in this crazy world, thats a must have
kavi: frequent flyer
argentyne: sounds fishy
bips: which would be a nice thing
hahahah !!! I so wish !!
I would have definitely be a billionaire!
pallavi: you travel often?

anon: hehe, no comments
Damn neat!
Thank God for providing you with the knack of finding humour in seemingly bad things …Ego trips