I’m still quite unsure about the name, old n’ all, though i have to admit, it does sound a bit ‘in’. What am i talking about? It’s the new (or at least i discovered it only recently) programming on Zee Cafe. (are you listening guys, thisis kinda endorsement and stuff) Unfortunately, its only about an hour everyday, and the timings aren’t exactly what I’d call user friendly. (i thinki blew that endorsement deal)
But what it does give, if you can get around to seeing it, is those old favourites that used to appear on Star Plus (yeah, there was a time when it was sans saans and bahus and ekkta kkapoor stuff). I’m talking about Doogie Howser MD, Ally McBeal, The X Files and my personal favourite – The Wonder Years.
Actually it isn’t just about watching old favourite content, its about bringing back those days when i used to watch it every evening. As everyone who reads this blog would know by now, all it takes is a bit of hint for me to go onto nostalgia mode. I guess, thats why they called it ‘Old School’.
And as Kevin would say, “I remember a place… a town… a house like a lot of houses… a yard like a lot of other yards… on a street likea lot of other streets. And the thing is, after all these years, I sill look back… with wonder.”
until next time, back to school
I have been watching a lot of the old shows myself lately -Lucy, Cosby, Doogie Howser, …
they are my favs!!
Old skool, ftw. I find myself watching the likes of Married With Children on a regular basis.
i miss those days. i miss wonder years and doogie howser and dream of jeanie
I copmpletely agree…i wish they had timings suitable for us busy people. But yea seeing these serials when Star Plus was a lot more saner is surely fun! Infact i just saw a re-rerun of The Wonder Years! Guess the name does suit..coz these shows were more so of a learning ground for us somehow or the other
can relate.. just had like season six friends re running on our tv
no im not implying that u are old
aww manuscrypts getting all mushy over xfiles lol
ah the wonder years
my old fav .. they air it during my gym sessions now so wooo hooo
M.A.S.H, anyone??
oh and btw manu, have around 10 seasons of wonder years wi’me. want?
i LOVED DOogie Howser! i saw him in L.A in 2003 in a grocery store
!!! i couldnt beleive my eyes!! i ran over to my mom and told her i saw him and she didnt beleive me!! then he walked out with his stuff and her jaw dropped.
sigh. too bad he’s gay.
Agreed!Old school is the way to go!
madhu: universal, i guess
orhan: yup, skool.. have seen promos, never got around to watching it..
prero: oh, we all do
anz: and i completely agree too
isha: yeah yeah.. and just gillian anderson
san: jogging your memories
phatichar: that canned laughter was irritating then too
x files was my favourite.