On my way to office, there is a junction, and like many junctions there are rights and lefts varying from 1 degree to 179 degrees, and many times, i end up giving directions thus, “not that right, the other right’…
A few days back, i ended up playing whistle blower on an online plagiarism case.. no second guess required whether it was the right thing to do, but the implications did make me wonder whether i could have maybe not have done it at all.. But i also got a forward around the same time.. it went thus – there are two sets of railway tracks. One used, the other unused.There is a warning board on the used one that warns kids not to play on it. The scenario is that a train is approaching on the used track, there are five kids playing on it. A single kid is playing on the unused track. You are in charge of the tracks. With a single button, you can divert the train onto the unused track,saving five kids and sacrificing one. You obviously can’t do the movie hero stunt of running faster than the train and rescuing all kids concerned, and you have only moments to decide. Before you make the decision, remember that the single kid was following instructions and doing the right thing.
There is no ‘correct’ answer, it is a choice, but it helped me stick to the decision i made. Maybe, it is a step towards a ‘no compromise’ policy towards doing the right thing… Meanwhile, the turn to my office is the exact right, all of 90 degrees 
until next time, i write, you read 
hmm balance between ‘Imaandaari’ and ‘Samjhdaari’
ohh wow. do the right thing, let the train go on the right track.
in order to save 5 kids u might end up killing all the ppl on the train…since the track is unused…lots of things can go wrong if u do something wrong.
For these scenarios there is a simple solution , toss the coin
goodness! what a dilemma! i hate these “dharma-sankat” kind of forwards. or maybe i’m just in a bad mood and hate everything today
how be y Manu. are the 4 yrs celebrations over?
well in the present world… u sacrifice the intelligent guy for the bunch of morons.
Last rites?
BTW has Grafx locked you out too?
Show the Red flag to stop the train…save everyone…kids on both tracks and not to forget the people on board the train. As for life its always a “catch-22” situation! “karo toh maro..na karo toh bhi maro”
this is silly. u’d die with guilt no matter what the scenario..
ahum ahum ahum
i see what u mean
stone: in a perfect world, there shouldn’t be any need for a balance…
bips: yup yup yup
layon: two face (batman) ?
aqua: unless you want to start it off again
cherie: nahi, what happened? though there’s definitely something wrong with her feeds
anz: hey, i said no heroics..hehe