once upon a time, I kept on accepting all friend requests and then I suddenly realised that my friends’ younger brothers friends are starting to flirt with me without knowing who I am. Suddenly felt very old visiting some of their pages.
Then I started deleting people. Last time I looged in I managed to delete some 70 of them one by one. Somebody teach me how to delete many profiles at one go. I am technofool.
could not get u dude
Deewane to honge bahut aapke…phir jeet ki khooshi kyon
ha ha, the other person probably feels the same way.
I tried but later realized its all CRAP.
must have been with some “i want ur frand” types
once upon a time, I kept on accepting all friend requests and then I suddenly realised that my friends’ younger brothers friends are starting to flirt with me without knowing who I am. Suddenly felt very old visiting some of their pages.
Then I started deleting people. Last time I looged in I managed to delete some 70 of them one by one. Somebody teach me how to delete many profiles at one go. I am technofool.
lol .. guess its the natural phenomenon everyone dawns upon
.. i just arrived at it.. my rites of passage
thanks for the lovely dialogue its so very well articulated
PS r u the most well read person known to me
ankur: just a lil wordplay on ‘scrap’ what it means as a word and what it means on orkut
layon: fiction :)… both my story and your line..hehe
stone: and i am trying again
sanguine: am hoping in my second stint, i wont find any of those.
arunima: nice usage – technofool, though i dont believe it
isha: nah, i just surf a lot.. psst psst, saw garden state for nat portman
That’s funny – haven’t checked orkuch in a while, wonder if anything’s changed.