
She removed her clothes, one by one; all the while aware he was watching her. Slowly, for she was waiting for him to join her. He didn’t. He thought girls hated being disturbed while washing their dolls; he didn’t like playing with dolls anyway.

The bridegroom had been engaged once before the marriage. The bride had had two affairs before the marriage. At 33, she realised there had been just about enough of foreplay in her life, and hoped that her fairytale wedding would have a wonderful climax.

They were all here, by invitation, and they all wanted to know what this was all about. But they would have to wait a little longer, for there was one more episode to go before all became clear. He was hoping they would wait.

What was that about? It was nothing much, it was just that his blog was celebrating its fourth anniversary, and he thought writing four episodes of forty four words would be a good way to celebrate it. Until next time, how was the fourplay?

38 thoughts on “Fourplay

  1. He played with words. His words.
    She saw him playing and was intrigued by his apparent ease at the game.
    He saw her interest and started playing with her words too. Quoted Garden State and added his own
    And that’s how the fourplay started.

  2. Happy Bloggiversary to you!

    Dude, watch out watch you write, someone might be thrown out of gere reading this stuff. :O

  3. Cool post!

    4 yrs is a long time. Kudos!

    PS: Juggler (above) is me, I used my other blog’s id by mistake 😀 sorry.

  4. thanks ash, havent seen you here in a loooooong while 🙂

    thanks ph, yeah, now that you say it, it does seem a long time 🙂

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