There was a time when ads at the end of music casettes was the only way to listen to future music releases.. times have changed and a deluge of new media has ensured that nothing is kept a secret for long… and in any case, who wants to keep it a secret..
with an audience that lives a fast paced life and devours content as if there’s no tomorrow, entities across the board from tv channels and radio stations to newspapers and internet are in a race with each other to get it to the audience first…
and so we have the making of the movie, and if the ex mrs federline had her way, perhaps we might even see the making of the star in future..and maybe a little bit of this impatience and curiosity is rubbing on to our personal lives also – in the way we make and break relationships, and the way we deal with other people.
and in all this, perhaps an important virtue is being lost – it used to be called patience, and is now kept in hiding for fear of contempt.
until next time, quick, comment!! 
God give me patience. Give it to me now ! bTW, when are you writing your next post…?
why does everything have to be quick quick quick these days!
In someways, it good to live in this ‘Whats next?’ generation
see, I am patiently commenting.
kavi: exactly..
san: yes, why?
stone: in some ways, yes, but in more ways, perhaps not…
arunima: but of course