All things nice Once upon a time, being nice was the way to be. These days, it pays to be nice… Wonder what the financial model will do to the system until next time, to each his own No related posts.
Its not a top 5 favs list – its a top 5 songs you have ever IDENTIFIED with list Give me your Top 5 List – Put it in the comments … Reply
bips: ah, the trip that never happened.. i heard some talks of a morning evening trip one of these days though prero: define ‘identify’.. i i dentify with all those songs..i do i do Reply
TCWB: ah well, it may not be a perfect system.. and maybe theres delayed payment or you werent exactly nice… so many possibilities kavi: you capitalist, you!! Reply
hey great!! am totally free. write to me at….waiting to hear from u.
Its not a top 5 favs list – its a top 5 songs you have ever IDENTIFIED with list
Give me your Top 5 List – Put it in the comments …
Are you sure it pays to be nice? Believe me when *I* say it, it doesn’t.
I guess its nice to be paid too !
so , change?
or “No change”.
all things nice.. sum sugar n spice
bips: ah, the trip that never happened.. i heard some talks of a morning evening trip one of these days though
prero: define ‘identify’.. i i dentify with all those songs..i do i do
TCWB: ah well, it may not be a perfect system.. and maybe theres delayed payment or you werent exactly nice… so many possibilities
kavi: you capitalist, you!!
austere: not yet
isha: wasnt that your blog title till sometime back?