I guess there’s a connection between the post titled “Conformity” and this one… more or less ends at the samepoint…
at many points in life, in fact at most, if not all points, there are crossroads, and we choose one path based on what we are and what we want to be, at that point of time.. a sort of constant game theory, if you will..the paths might turn out to be good or bad, and some paths also offer a correction mechanism, while some dont…we judge the outcome of the paths based on our sensibilities, and are also affected by the judgements of others.. some among us learn to discard the latter, whether this is an advancement, a sign of maturity is of course arguable.. assuming it is, this would be one level..
while that goes on, theres another level being played, the venue being our minds… for we are after all humans, and with our objective tendencies, try to judge ourselves in comparison to others..
i am wondering which of these levels is tougher to handle… and whether it is posible to build a coccoon which prevents any sort of comaprisons.. or is it forever going to be a battle of finding a balance between the greenery of the grass on the other side and the extent of greenery we allow it to bring on to our faces..
until next time, some grass does make you high…
yeah i guesso .. but .. saintliness/nunliness lies on the border of what u are explainin.. i guess doin dope everyday and livin the high life .. according to one’s own gauge of happiness .. would infact be the only way to be if you werent at the cross roads comparin urself to a relative x person .. and basically being a couch potato stoner in some cruddy flat is not what life’s about is it? whats so wrong about conforming to degrading levels anyway?
ah growing up pains.

and runs….
u know…thats why i asked u for the goa post…coz i wanted to compare and see who had more fun!! u or me…coz i hate ppl who have more fun than me!! hehe
as for being on crossroads….which ever path u choose…works out best in the end…doesnt it? but yes…sometimes i do wonder what kind of life i’d have had if i had chosen the other path….
When one looks back, only major decisions crop up in mind, that is whole process sums up in few days, whole memory seems to be of just few days, may be coz’ only few decisions (good or bad) shape up our lives, and ‘circumstances/the built-up factors’ which led us to make decisions get lost somewhere.
“Duboyaa mujh ko hone ne, na hota main to kya hota ”
if the tendency was truly “objective”, the cocoon becomes incidental. It is the lack of “objectivity” that prevents us from even trying to build that cocoon…
Even I am on the crossloads of life – am thinking what to do !
If it’s grass from the other side, does it get you higher?
Ah ! Balance. Balance ! Wish you give me some insights
Thanks for you work and have a good week.
all roads lead to rome, boy
there is no ‘right’ turn in life
isha: nothing, so long as one can live with the choice and take responsibility for it..
austere: or grown up pains?
bips: the ‘what could’ve been ‘ thought will always be there, i guess…. the thought was on the sub-layers and our dealing with it..
stone: selective memory..
BM: as confusing as that sounded first, you might be absolutely right.. but i’m wstill wondering if thats a catch 22
cyberkitty: all the best
AP: hmm, worth a try..hehe
kavi: yup yup wish i could
yes sir, david sir?
prero: maate, thanks :).. but i’d like to put a science to the roaming