Its a bit like games.. once we get into a game, what keeps us going is the eagerness to master the level and reach the next level.. as we proceed, it gets more and more difficult as each level is designed to be tougher than the previous one… The stakes also get higher as it might be difficult to do it all over again, and all the gains amassed would be wasted…
And thats why its a bit like games – life… Its always a play to master the current level and thereby reach the next level.. and the stakes get higher, because it is life, and not just a game… theres a standard of living, peer pressure and so many other things that make it a must to survive and move ahead.. the only difference being that unike the game, the progress in life cannot be made to stop.. or maybe we cant bring ourselves to make it stop… for its a race and like the cliche goes, you have to run to at least stay in the same place… and the things around will not slow down to accomodate you..
we get used to what we can get from the money we earn – most important among them a lifestyle and its accessories, and once we master one level, we are eager to move on to the next level and find out what it has to offer.. and theres no end in sight… perhaps the biggest winner is one who can will himself to be satisfied at a particular level and not move to the next level, inspite of all the pressures from within and without.. for maybe it has been rightly said that when its a rat race, what matters in the end is that whoever wins,they all remain rats…
infancy, school, college, the first job…sometimes, its true that the grass is green on the other side… only, i am just looking back, and speaking of the grass i had been on…
until next time, theres no level playing field…
I just wrote about my hostel and I see you writing about the past.
Are we growing old?
I was just talking to my sis yesterday, and wondering why the past always seems better than the present, no matter how happy we are right now.. she said it’s because we choose to remember the things that make us happy and forget the rest..
wow, that was a cool post … made me sit up & think.
BTW … u seem to be ready to go to a new level … some thing seems to have double-clicked into place in your life. maybe it was that book u were writing, or something at work. or u possibly bought that plot of prime land in downtown Shimla (?) that u always wanted
whatever be the case, great. keep it going & happy new year
Bang on target!!!
Lately,was thinkin on sort of same lines…and there is no end in sight!!!
hmmmm…part of a bigger game may be!!!
Treadmill. You can choose to step off it, but there’s a price.
*take wht you want, but pay for it*
grin- quote from a janet dailey millsey from a long time ago, but don’t tell anyone.
Nice post!
Got me thinking!
Isnt being contented the key to happiness and the death of further growth at the same time!
Guess its one of those puzzles life throws at you
Hmm ! Doing some thinking lately i guess.
This moment too shall pass, and when you reach the next level, i am sure you will think of this level too on similar lines !
I recall the Forest Gump line, Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get.
And my afterthought, “whatever it is, the after taste stays !”
arunima: We!! comments
sqrl/ta: theres a point in it.. but for me its always a mixed bag, but the sorrow might have mellowed with time..
taks: thats a lot of detailing.. except its goa..but how do you know? :).. and no, its not a double click, rather, it was more of a self analysis basis changes within me…
stone: yeah, the bigger game is always the puzzle
austere: yup yup, its a secret
strider: true, looks to be a non mutually exclusive thingie..
kavi: ah, that movie has a lot of quotable quotes
Its because of the damn games that I was given to chasing my own demons and thus stopped blogging.. GRRRR