A couple of weeks back, Sunday Times had a poll, conducted among 1000+ people across India on their beliefs about God, religion, after-life, ghosts and various other things that we think about, on starlit nights…
I’ve just about finished Book Five of the Ramayana Series, and coincidentally also came across this article, which also raised a few questions on mythology and God…Imagine all the characters that we are so familiar with – Rama, Ravana, Krishna.. were they just characters of imagination or did they actually exist, a long, long time ago, and over a period of time the story of their lives got embellished to such an extent that they became gods and demigods… the amazing similarity between the different myths from civilisations around theworld also point to their actual existence… the remains of Dwaraka, the remains at Mohenjodaro resembling a nuclear holocaust, the drawings of Pushpak – the celestial flying machine, now believed to have been powered by a mercury based fuel, all add to this…
And thus adds on another set of questions to our FAQs – are our myths based on actual facts, or were they made by the creators of God? the almost eternal question of whether god created man or man created god? but i also believe that it might be just a matter of time before we find the answers.. after all, its only been a few thousand years since we have been around and we had lives before and after the discovery of fire, metals, and even civilisations, and we have managed to find the answer to some questions, and hopefully will learn to tap the resources beyond our five senses sometime in the future…of course, for us, these still remain faqs with several possible answers..
until next time, if only He had user support…
They are called myths because they are so old that they do not have any written form. And they do not have any (or enough) scientific backing to convince the sceptics, notably our own people.
That’s my comment. Some golmaal with blogger.
Tead that article. For all you know, the “fireball” and the “comet collision” might have just been a series of powerful nuclear explosions.
Probably caused by someone who believed he was willed by God to make Earth a better place.
I dont belive in Technological superiority of our ancestors.If it was so,why hasnt the technology been passed on to us?
Mythology is considered important for the moral values they uphold. For example,Rama is worshipped only for the virtues he personified.So,the question of whether he existed or not seems irrelevant.
Problem with your and Austere’s comment box.
~ E
blogger has gone crazy. I cannot comment with my id.
And who will be the support?
That last line had me smiling and nodding..good to see you have been punching away!
That “v” is me Gabby!
I find it easier to believe religious texts than the crazy stuff that today passes for science !
I think degree of belief/ disbelief varies with the person.. I think sab sach hai. but then you know me…
Interesting article. Sometimes the possibilities by themselves are mindblowing !
I hope there are lessons for all of us to learn !
Hmm..interesting !
infact i find it very amazing that despite no communication / connection between ancient civilization…all went thru exactly the same phases and at the same time (stone, bronze, iron etc)..HOW??
Ramayana was made up, to make Rama a God. God is the creation of collective human imagination. http://www.ramayanayb.blogspot.com
hyde: but there is definitely some backing.. try hinduwisdom.info
and exactly whats been suggested by scientists too
trj: like hyde said there is no written form… also think that they believed more in an oratory storage form of knowledge… like the gurukul system, no notes, only lectures..
E: i think that must’ve been the result of blogger changing from beta to regular..thx
Arunima: Us, of course, we are the best outsourcing destination
gabbyyyy, good to see you back!!
cyberkitty: ah, but not all science is bad..
austere: but somewhere we need to find a balance between faith and rational thought.. and thats the difficult part..
yup, kavi, the possibilities are unlimited..
bips: yup, how??
bhaskara: to each his own