No, not the show that used to be on air quite a time back, and which gave so many wonderful and quotable quotes and got us involved in the life and times of kevin arnold.. that edition of the wonder years ended quite a while back…this is of an ‘oops i did it again’ kind and a kevin who has just reached the end of his version of wonder years..
yup, he definitely had a wonderful time, as he piggy backed the humongous success of his wife, becoming a kind of celebrity himself, appearing on reality shoes and wwe, all culminating in his own album… and its a strange coincidence that its titled ‘Playing with Fire’.
Which brings me to question the entire arrangement, its downright surreal.. like a carefully staged show… right from the time they married, to the kids, to the PR stories on how all was not well between the couple, and to the time when Britney said that she was fed up…
britney gets the additional mileage even when she has no album or a popular song running on the airwaves, kevin gets his claim to fame, and the kids, well, hope they at least get a life… and for all you know, this could be part of the plot too, and kevin will patiently wait till she says hit me baby one more time…
until next time, so who really got speared?
oh maaan its just one white trash marrying another white trash…the fame and money factor cant cover up for anything….marriage is so conveniently taken these days!!!
‘K Win!
i like this layout soooooooooo much better!!!

Hmmm !
I hear that she said ‘tata’ through an SMS and most parts of the world got to watch a crestfallen man’s face, when he got to read the message.
How much more stage managed can it get ?
I was fed up with the fed up jokes, but the who got speared is an original..;)
Oh so now he is Fed ex? Eh? No wonder she has had a ‘delivery’!
how much more public can lives get?
why was britney bitching that kevin was usin her to get fame.. wats wrong wid usin ppl.. essentially all ok most relationships exist for the sake of convenience.. she’s had it all she shud stop bein selfish .. if she gets married again it will be her fourth marriage.. shame on her.. she’s turned into the elizabeth taylor of our time god! nothing wrong wid fallin in and out of love but .. till death do us apart .. means just that..
yes prero?
grafxgurl: for granted, like many other things..
cherie: seems so
grafxgurl: hmm, liked the new archiving of blogger… but still wanted to customise, hence the net result..
kavi: i caught that video too
e: eeeeps!!
brood mode: i think it’ll get worse..
isha: as brit would say, isnt it her prerogative to decide who gets to ‘use’ her and even decide how much is ‘all’? and then again, her stuff sells because there are enough people to buy it, so who exactly is responsible?
austere: thx
prero: sometimes i wonder if its really you..hmmm or
ooks like a bot at work