I saw the following line in a book, and immediately felt this applied to a lot of my virtual friends and perhaps a few faces i see around me..
“There was something else too – a hiddenness. He acted like he had something important going on, thaton some frequency of his life beyond the visible spectrum there was great exceitement.”
Hmm, it might have applied to me too, but even putting on the act is boring 
until next time, transmission
Secret mission?
i simply love living a secret life – it gives a sense of power, to know something other’s don’t even if it is only your own identity !
that depends though.. some of us actually have interesting lives.. so if it feels to others that we are .. putting up a lil theatrical performance.. essentially their issue..
More of transcription…bhadiya hai!
cherie: not necessarily, but exciting nevertheless in its own way.. like the virtual life we lead..
cyberkitty: dont know about the power bit, but its definitely interesting..:)
isha: hmmm, didnt mean it that way.. assume you know a very softspoken guy, keeps to himself in his day to day life… in the virtual world he might be a tiger – hacker, love machine, blogger… whatever.. these lines are about that kind of guy.. the book is ‘transmission’ by hari kunzru, if you happen to read it, you’ll know exactly what i am speaking of
e: hey, this is only the second time i am doing it… in 3.5 years!! so it aint that bad
mm.. intriguing..