Help, they’re all after my money

If you happen to be in Bangalore, there are two places you could go for the mall experience(mauling and getting mauled) – Forum and Garuda…. and if its not enough that they have so many shopping options that even people such as me,who have been accused innumerable times of being a miser, are sorely tempted to put a password to my wallet an promptly forget it, they both have shopping festivals running simultaneously.. and everyone but everyone is offering discounts like they were going out of fashion…
which has led me to the conclusion that they are all after my money, no, not just me, but other poor sods like me who consider the visit to the mall an integral part of an otherwise non existent social life..
while that was fine earlier, when most of the things on display were easily out of bounds, now that large two digit numbers have been displayed as percentage off, the situation can be summarised by a nice line i read a few days back – “Lead me not to temptation, i can find the way myself…”
until next time, ratting on the malls

11 thoughts on “Help, they’re all after my money

  1. I usually don’t find any useful (except Kalmane, Landmark and PVR) at Forum, but Garuda is a different thing altogether.

    Thanks for the warning. Shall (try to!) avoid both malls this weekend.

  2. Hey there,
    I’ve just come across your blog & really like it 🙂

    I will visit again soon…
    Take care
    Sheetal (South Africa)

  3. mehehehehe.. imagine the savings u are making with on so many discounts 😛 .. ask not if the glass if half full or half empty .. its time to order another round if its half anything once said a great man 😛

  4. we need more malls in blore…seriously…both forum and garuda are so crowded during the weekends that you wonder what the ppl of blore did before these malls came up. and brigade road is STILL crowded as ever.

    but considering that i’m turning into a mall rat….maybee we don’t need more malls 🙂

  5. isha: and drink until the glass is empty and have no money to pay for the next drink..hmmph!!

    brood mode: cant work always.. welcome back

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