In case you are wondering which nubile contestant in what paegant i am talking about, all ican say is that your line of thought is skewed, but then, that was just the idea- to illustrate a point..
The newspapers and channels have been famous for these kind of headlines for quite some time now, part of an overall theme of being one up, creating news and packaging it in such a way as to seduce, no thats not the correct word, theres another one thats being bandied about by a lot of people in the fraternity – titillate (no, it does not mean delayed development of mammary glands!!)..
Indiatimes, being an extension of the paper in a lot of ways, also uses this regularly, but i was in for a surprise when i went checking for the actress/model who was seen with the fastest Indian (which is also open for debate) following this link ‘Diva with India’s fastest man’..
until next time, a mere slip of a blogger
The link got me too ! lol
lol! u always makemelaugh … thank you
C, I knew it!
I ‘Miss Delhi’
Diva C !!!
i was wondering if i missed something then i saw the picture in the link. Phir akal aa gayi. ha ha
Tittilate, DAMN, man, U crack me up! N DIVA C deserves a double damn.
But seriously, these media peeps are losing it. Every second thing from someone slipping on a banana peel to a dog letting off on the wrong side of the road is ‘breaking news’ these days. Hell they are even becoming more ‘content’ oriented. Scary programs n all, where the only thing scary is the horrible grating voiceover.
But i guess it’s all ok. As long as it sells the space in between the crap…
cyberkitty: hehe, thats a relief
prero: now thats a pleasure
cherie: how so?
hey phatichar
stone: a lot of people will have a problem with
hey jhantu, how’ve you been?
arunima: its written there too, ‘Diva C with…’, but yeah i looked around for the diva too
dobereinerr: yup, thats all it is, selling the space, the crap and the space from where the crap comes from!!