Its not exactly breaking news that wines get better as they grow older, i think it also applies to some whines, but thats just another silly pun..While there’s nothing to beat the old wine in the old bottle, new bottles are easily tolerable.. and before i whine any further, let me get the context across – friends.. no,not the orkut kind, but the ones developed when you were too young to know better..:)
The couple of friends i have managed to have (inspite of myself) might be ROTFL right now, reading me write about something about which i am so ill versed about, but thats okay..Like Ash said recently, i have reached an age when i know that it will be extremely difficult to make new friends, given my distinct laziness to keep in touch etc.. and therefore old friends popping out are indeed a welcome relief..
unlike wines, we cant be sure we become better with age, in fact i think, over a period of time, we manage to change ourselves to unrecognisable entities.. and thats why its good to have old friends saying hi, because like an enid blyton book, or an 80’s movie, or the college photograph or an old song, it takes us back in time, it makes us nostalgic, and more often than not, happy… it reminds us of times that used to be and more importantly, what we once used to be…
until next time, hi 
So… have you changed to an unrecognisable entity or am I seeing a part of you that I never saw before?
i find myself growing more hesitant to make new friends as i go along…mostly coz i had to leave the older ones so often coz we moved house so much….
its not that i keep to myself.. i just dont want that added groan of having to say goodbye..
its not just being lazy to kep in touch.. i feel older friends dug deeper…so therefore they remained there longer… newer friends need the same amount of time to be deposited in a safe in my life and i dont have that time literally.
well said, Manu
Let’s have a toast to friendship ! ….so who’s bringing the wine ?
How true. It maskes us nostalgic about times when our relationships were genuine and there was no vested interest- it was the same wine in the same bottles.
hyde: am still transforming.. remember that M was your league’s chief nemesis.. nothing is quite what it seems
grafxgurl: hmm, i guess its a bit about time, and a lot about how we tend to complicate things..
thx ash
cyberkitty: you, my dear
Huh? Who M? What league?
uff!! where did you get your profile photo from? that league and that M!!