A few months ago, i had written about how, at the end of it all, bloggers also are humans, well, most of them exhibit some human characteristics for sufficiently long periods oftime for us to conclude so, and therefore, exhibit the grey shades of any normal existence… although somewhere deep(in my mind) there is a notion that somehow the blogging citizens of the virtual world are mature enough to be above the normal human frailties, every now and then, things happen that bring me back to reality…
This and this should bring you upto speed on the matter… This supposedly is the origin of the issue.. yes, lazybums, i know you wont bother, so heres the synopsis.. According to Chenthil, Kiruba, in a podcast, claimed to be the #1 blogger in the country, which Chenthil takes offence to.. we also have people taking sides on it.. which brings me to the non issue of being top blogger…
Of course, there is no debating in my mind as to who it is, you are reading him.. but seriously, in spite of denials, most of us write for the comments, which later evolve into a desire for meaningful interactions, and the more you get, the more confidence you gain to air your fare… the interactions sometimes form a kind of clique, which perhaps is a bad thing.. there are lots of blogs i frequent, where i like the posts, and inspite of commenting on those, there is never a reply to it, and over a period i duh the ‘keepout’ sign.. :).. to each, their own…my point is that while the net is a great leveller in the way people create and exchangeideas, sometimes it does a create a snob value, and somehow creates levels which may be something thats against the basics of the medium and blogging…
somewhere, we had started writing for ourselves, and somewhere, we get into the trap of writing for something else, but sometimes, like a ray of sunshine from among the clouds,the real blogger comes out…
until next time, reality bites…
you know.. .ive been noticing this and i blogged about it as well a few posts ago about how nice people used to be before they were famous in blogland and how after all the interest and attention they turn to snobs and suddenly are just too busy to reply to comments…
i for one reply to everyone who comments… its all about respect and consideration….especially. if your blog is out there for the world to see.
glad you wrote this. i dont even READ top blogs …i just look for the “underdog” so to speak.. the ones that have 0comments most of the time.. but have excellent true to honest posts .
i LAO your blog. yuss i doo.
dekh, if tomorrow you decide to declare yourself as the # 1 blogger, you have my support
great man..
u write very well..
you really deserve what ‘b’ said..
i’m writing this to make u click on my link and visit my site.. BECAUSE i need it..
i think many ppl comment so that a lot of people do that to make their sites popular
but is it really wrong for people to do so???
big b
(same anonymous as above)
oops!! a BIG typo – 2nd sentence sud read –
i think many people comment just to make their sites popular
Though i don’t visit blog url’s, I have them listed in my feeds at bloglines.com – I read the feeds when they are updated and always comment about the posts that catches my interest….like this one !
p.s. can’t understand a word of what kiruba writes – mostly tech stuff !
Oooh what fun! another one..yawn.tell me when the war is over. or whtever the line was from ‘Gone with the wind’.
ManuJi you have my unstinted support for the title of blogger number 1.
crawling back into her shell
grafx: thank you
pixie: lol, thats 1, so subtlety does work.. hehe
vibhor, ny friend, b was just pulling my leg, are you?
bigb: nothing wrong, i for one comment if the content appeals to me in some way…
cyberkitty: a habit i havent yet formed.. which reminds me to check up my bloglines!!
austere: lol, that makes you the second member in a club of 2
I really don’t think the community of bloggers cares if someone calls himself No 1 or 2. Blogs are personal journals and you cannot call anyone good or exceptional in dairy keeping would you?
I find the blogging community expressive writers, some may attract more comments, some more web views but at the end of the day you feel good if someones been through the same happy/sad/bitter/funny experiences as you.. and that is what connects bloggers
There is no scope for anyone to be number one or two here…unless he/she is a professional writer!
oops..that should read ‘diary’ keeping :p
silverine: ideally yes, but thats why the title of the post is ‘getting real’ because there is a chance that like in the real world, even creative expressions in this space will have strings attached..