18 thoughts on “Happy Rakshabandhan…

  1. Reminds you of Sakhi(friend) and not Rakhi. Also a pointer to a fact that it is best not to go to certain places during Rakshabandhan day. Tee-hee

  2. There is this music channel called ETC, which is running a Contest called ‘win and get Rakhi to tie a rakhi on your wrist blah’. I would kill to know how many guys took part in this contest. Haven’t seen anything this ‘duh’ in a long time…the contest I mean :))

  3. LOL 🙂 and boy is rakhi sawant getting all the attention she wants…i just saw her on zoom tv (popkorn) tying a rakhi to her brother and the caption said “rakhi ties rakhi to brother 🙂

    Happy raksha bandhan day to you too!

  4. what in fucks name is that girl ,one person removed from the guy in the green shirt ogling at???
    Kash I had no strings attached too

  5. stone: damn, i was banking on the fact that no one would… thankfully this is different, and i can trust her to keep getting into controversies… 🙂

    SWB: hmm, there is a school of thought that believes so.. meanwhile i am trying my hand at word and picture combos so that i get some publicity 😉

  6. Awesome dude…..Damn Creative!.

    Don’t u think its time for U to change u’r profession, Adv. industry? 😉

  7. pallavi: Kissmat!!

    vivek: ah! i wish! i did pass the copy tests but they dont pay enough.. (i eat a lot, am always wearing clothes, insist on sleeping in beds etc..) 🙂

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