Some things never change…
Guys used to look forward to Rakhi, they still do..
.. but they just wish there were no strings attached…
until next time, i am not obsessed, honest.. the fit was too good to ignore…
until next time, i am not obsessed, honest.. the fit was too good to ignore…
lol. that was neat
Reminds you of Sakhi(friend) and not Rakhi. Also a pointer to a fact that it is best not to go to certain places during Rakshabandhan day. Tee-hee
There is this music channel called ETC, which is running a Contest called ‘win and get Rakhi to tie a rakhi on your wrist blah’. I would kill to know how many guys took part in this contest. Haven’t seen anything this ‘duh’ in a long time…the contest I mean :))
and boy is rakhi sawant getting all the attention she wants…i just saw her on zoom tv (popkorn) tying a rakhi to her brother and the caption said “rakhi ties rakhi to brother 
Happy raksha bandhan day to you too!
Reminded me of ur last year’s post on same occasion!
LOL .. You’re mad! :))
what in fucks name is that girl ,one person removed from the guy in the green shirt ogling at???
Kash I had no strings attached too
haha..perfect fit must say!
PI: whaat?!
sreejith: thank ye
hiren: or where best to go.. depending on the way you look at it..:D
austere: noted
silverine: after austere, i am doubly suspicious of the duh
aqua: yup, rakhi is everywhere..hehe
stone: damn, i was banking on the fact that no one would… thankfully this is different, and i can trust her to keep getting into controversies…
SWB: hmm, there is a school of thought that believes so.. meanwhile i am trying my hand at word and picture combos so that i get some publicity
jhantu: i think she just managed to squeeze herself into the frame…
hahah !!! good one.. !! All that hype for what !! SHeesh
Awesome dude…..Damn Creative!.
Don’t u think its time for U to change u’r profession, Adv. industry?
pallavi: Kissmat!!
vivek: ah! i wish! i did pass the copy tests but they dont pay enough.. (i eat a lot, am always wearing clothes, insist on sleeping in beds etc..)