Consider your general position in life…:) with a title like that, thought i’ll start with that statement myself before one of you smart ones decided to comment… but the statement wasnt just for the sake of it..
what we do in life as a profession has very little to do with what we really want to do in life.. having said that, we are part of a timeframe when this is being realised, and more and more people are setting out to do their own thing… but different things like finance, peer pressure and the sheer lethargy of moving out of a comfort zone prevents the majority from starting all over again…which is where we come to the subject of people who walk a path that they have voluntarily seeked out… missionaries so to speak.. not just those of religion, but with various other purposes like saving the narmada or setting up old age homes… does their single mindedness ever fade, do they ever begin to doubt the cause? or is their faith so strong that they go through their life without questioning the purpose at all? maybe, just maybe, its perhaps better not to have too many options…
i have always believed that to every life there is a reason.. every person is here to do something that wouldnt have happened without him.. he is a link – big or small, in a chain of events that when seen it totality, makes a profound impact… pravin mahajan is a case in example.. by himself he might have been a nothing… but by his action, he has altered the course of a national party, and perhaps the nation itself..each of us is a case in example, some of us realise our action and its effects, and some of us will be left wondering at the end of it all, what difference did we make?
until next time, a different position, a different life
until next time, a different position, a different life
Agree. Given that this is the case, we shd still try to alter the course of what is happening – for altering the course of whatever is happening is what we are all here for!
too much gyaan.:D
Reminds me of lines from ‘Iqbal’
ah! totally agree… The purpose.. blessed are the ones who find the purpose before it finds them:)
Oh boy..have thought about this so many times…hmmm…true
i go from extremes… wonder whether we are the link in the chain that makes or break some natural cycle ( aka mahajan) or are we really completely insignificant in the universe..hmmm
sudheer: maybe we should..but then again, maybe we arent meant to …
stone: cant seem to remember…
cynic: i somehow think we are insignificantly significant