Jo was thinking of the day he had left his small town.. He hadnt been a happy man then .. his trade wasnt giving him the kind of money that would enable him to lead a comfortable life, it wasnt even giving him enough to survive.. and to top that he had recently gotten himself engaged to a beautiful woman. Not that it was bad in itself, but the shameless young men in his town had made it a habit to ogle at her, and the frequent fights he was having with them had put off several potential customers…he wasnt suspicious of his wife to be, but it was just that it wasnt in her nature not to smile back at anyone who smiled at her, and several guys took this as very suggestive…And he so desperately wanted to wed her, but he felt he wasnt financially secure enough to do so.. and so, one day, when she told him that she was pregnant, he didnt quite know how to react.. for all his friends knew how, inspite of his intense desire, he had been keeping himself in check… and no one would believe that there was a divine intervention in his becoming a father..
And that was how he had left the town. now several months later, here he was, in the small town of Jerusalem, looking at Mary, who would deliver the child any moment.. Here he could claim the child as his own, and celebrate its birthday every year in peace…He felt bad that she was going to give birth to the child in a stable, but he was a confident that things would take a turn for the better soon. Yes, Jo was a happy man now..
until next time, hope it was a merry christmas
PS: last year….
yes, and je did very well, if you did not know already..:)
been a long time and its only too fair that i get to be the first here..
Not Jeruselam but Bethlahem- Manu! It was in-utro- or atleast thats what Jo decided to say to the world.
merry christmas! n liked both the stories
the kid went a long way, didn’t he?
aqua: but of course
blokes: only 6 miles south of jerusalem, and this is till no man’s land with different versions in the bible and the book of mormon.. check this link-
hey erratica, so when did we get back??
the monk: so they say
umm, I had wine.
hope you had a nice time.. wishing you a very appy new year..
hey manu, in terms of reading ur blog, we got back really long ago [didnt comment on the posts though and on the bored below thingy i saw the same msg “Garfini how u doing old girl?
for a long time]in ters of blogging and writing posts , we r finally back (bang bang). n yes also noticed that u have stopped rating the blogs that u link to, instead they now appear in an alphabetical order
in a diff context so unbelievable it sounds and how cynical one has become.. so i was thinking.
thanks, manu.
arunima: and…..
pallavi: to you too
erratica: the bored below thingie ibehaves like your name.. so i dont usually use it.. as for the list, even earlier it wasnt any rating, it was driven more by the shape of the list..:)
austere: true, its all about the point of view..