Stop or my Mom will shoot….

Isnt there a movie by that name? But nope, nothing to do with the movie, but felt that the title is somehow appropriate to what this post says….
Its every Mom’s dream that her children grow up to be the best possible… and she will give them proper guidance and try to inculcate the right values.. she will make sure that the paths that they choose are the correct ones, and will not affect them, or the ones around them adversely.. if she has more than one child, she will shower on each, love in equal measures and make sure they are happy…
Sometimes, she will give a good spanking, when needed.. if they dont learn, maybe she will make them go without food for sometime… she will tell them examples of children gone bad, and how they had to suffer for it…maybe she will make sure that some of the stuff they take for granted disappear, so that they realise that they are doing something wrong…
she will be patient for a long long time, but if driven to it, she will be willing to take away the life she herself created… all the tsunamis, all the hurricanes, all the earthquakes, all the extra hot summers, and the extra cold winters, all the horrible showers, wonder if the children are learning…
until next time, hope we dont get shot…

18 thoughts on “Stop or my Mom will shoot….

  1. nice metaphor! 🙂 but i don’t think we’ll learn. We’re just too many to sit down and tell each other to do the right thing. And the problem is that it’s not that we are just doing one thing wrong. Each of us are doing some thing wrong in a small way and all of it is contributing towards this gigantic blunder that someday is going to cost us bigtime. Sorry abt the long rant! 🙂

  2. Perfect metaphor…guess we are thick skinned children here who refuse to learn, punishing hard also wont ring the bell in our heads…but apart from the strict role of a mom its also a mothers part to forgive her children. What will be the final verdict of Mother Nature?

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