Calls……….. Nature sends messages.If you dont respond, she calls…There is no such thing as a missed call….. until next time, dont get pissed off… No related posts.
hey manu: pls convey my regards to Pleo if u happen to talk to him. He riding around the country on his Bullet or something? Actually I wanted some info on the new Bullet models .. thinking of getting myself one next year. Anyway say hi to him for me. Reply
hehee…it’s the most important call, and it can never miss…whether or not you decide to take it, it just gets answered on its own. Reply
lol. did it happen to you?
hahaha yeah … and what if it is a prank call.. ???
lmao … how u been bro?
hey manu: pls convey my regards to Pleo if u happen to talk to him. He riding around the country on his Bullet or something? Actually I wanted some info on the new Bullet models .. thinking of getting myself one next year.
Anyway say hi to him for me.
she always gets a response, though…sooner or later…
Great thinking about nature’s call and u r true..Yeah…
Speakin from experience…?!!
prerona: thankfully, not in recent times
pallavi: it is still on us..:)
SwB: good, my friend, and you? :).. and will definitely pass on the hi
monk: that she does
phatichar: yes, sometimes unfortunately so
mirage: experiences …
hahahaha.,…..that was hilarious!