A long long time ago, long before watching one’s weight reached fashionable proportions, we used to have a simple routine at home, that of measuring our weight every month…
Having hovered around the twenty and thirty kg mark for a long time, crossing the 50 kg mark was a big priority in my wishlist… But we humans are funny folk.. its been a long time since i crossed the magic figure, and now i exercise so that i can keep it somewhere close to that figure.. like the saying goes, the more things change the more they remain the same…in childhood, it was about increasing the weight till it reached there, and now its about decreasing it…
however, i have always wondered when exactly the body weight increases, when exactly was it that i crossed from 49 kg to 50 kg…. like the movement of the hour hand of a clock, we never manage to know the exact moment… not for any particular purpose, just curiosity…
until next time, wait a second, and think about it….
until next time, wait a second, and think about it….
I was looking at your Blog,Agent Orange is one I’m trying to get together. I have a long way to go, it involves Companies producing Agent Orange and various things like that. Check it out if you get a chance.
quite like asking oneself…”when did i grow up?”.
We know it has happened (and keeps happening), but what was that moment?
until next time, run around losing weight, but not sleep over it
Sigh, I know all about struggling with the weighing scale…
who cares?:D keep eating!
“i have always wondered when exactly the body weight increases, when exactly was it that i crossed from 49 kg to 50 kg”
It was long before I crossed from 49 to 50.
hahah I am trying to come down to that.. mark.. LOL and I know exactly when I cross over to my other side where the kgs become blurred when I go on this eating happy holidays.. they are a killer… SIGH…
great, agents now!!
deez: yup, the moment!! and yup, will take ur advice
aekta: its all about tipping it in one’s favor
pixel: hmm, thats a way too
TCWB: you are abnormal!! even with all the complan and maltova that got into ur system, u still didnt put on weight!! :).. and i was supposed to learn from you how to drink up the stuff without fuss..hehe
pallavi: weighty issues
When I was younger and was weighed I thought it was to sell me off- like the old newspapers that my mother dealt away with, when I reached a sellabe weight! So I hardly ate…
i was never weighed as a kid!

atleast not that i remember. actually i was so huge even then (all my nicks focussed on my size / weight, both at home and among friends) that maybe they didnt wanna take the risk and get upset
poornima: u r a riot!!
prerona: welcome… so long as u r cool with ur weight, its all okay
I’m under weight by 2-3kgs, and my waist size is obscene wrt to weight :(( :((
grrr…I hate this increasing paunch :(( :((
For the record, I never liked Maltova. It was the youngest of the Su sisters, the big Srikkanth fan, who liked it.
Complan is supposed to make one grow. And I always managed to be a little taller than you.
Talking about parents, they never had anything else to do other than pit us against each other, did they?
Stone, you are not alone. I am underweight by a few kilograms but have an incrementing paunch. Like one of my classmates who told me the other day, “You are the same boy I knew at school. Except that now you have a more matured face and a slight paunch.”
Mature and paunch do not go well together, do they?
The struggle is only but a few months new to me… I sympathise now with the 30 something woman jogging around my apartment morning n night!
stone: any revealing pre/post marriage statistics??
TCWB: i still believe all those stuff have steroid content
TCWB: mature face!!! LOL
nupur: it all begins with sympathy..then we move on to empathy..
okay so i still have not crossed over the magic figure yet..? eew
More matured face, when you compare me 10 years ago with me now. Nothing funny!
And if Complan and Maltova did contain steroids, I should have grown a lot faster. I think they have anti-steroids in them.
Boy, do I envy you!! Only 50 kg????
Envy not Phatichar, the half-century happened over a decade ago!
aqua: the magic figure is a very customised one..:)
TCWB: actually you might be resistant to steroids
phatichar: slightly more…
TCWB: a decade!! rot!! anyways am still within 6-7 kgs of that, so its ok
I also wonder when we lose that 1 (or more!) KGs!
Btw, u weigh only 50 kilos!!! <:O
Im not fat. Im just short for my weight.
In fact do not wait before you get a second watch. (Change is an illusion…if this is the way it is,this is the way it ALWAYS was!
That’s me, JW :SD!@ Anon
I remember a photograph that was taken when you landed here for your entrance exams. I was struggling to cross 49, and you weighed well over that. Atleast, that is how you looked.
So you are claiming you weight less than me? Less than 60? Rot!
As for steroids, what do you think attributed to the recent weight gain? :->
The nation’s statistics on weight problems are posted in round figues.
W = mg.
Women = Man’s brain * Girl’s body.
Or is that Weight ?
you always seem to pick on some topic which brings out a memory associated with childhood. this one – standing in line to be weighed. and you are bang on – trying to lose it now. come full circle we have it seems.
mirage: used to, sometime back
cynic: :))
JW: yup, could have guessed as much
TCWB: u weigh more than 60!!..:))), 57 and lovin it…
stone: is also a measure of weight
V: so isnt there a concept of ‘woman’s brain’ at all ? :).. ah, but maybe we are speaking of a higher conscience level, its only the body thats different…
parna: we usually do
My dear fellow, you cannot be 57. Your scales must be mis-numbered or broken!
HEY..quite an informative article.sad to c where the tech world is heading to!