Once upon a time, a couple of years back, the job got a bit boring in the afternoon..
so he decided to make a blog on rediff…
so blogs became a regular feature, twice maybe even thrice a week..
so it went on, the search for co bloggers..
so a few friends were made, but rediff was becoming boring…
so he decided to experiment with the template..
so html was shifted around, but it still was boring..
so he decided to shift to a new location…
so whats so great about that, you might ask..so he’d say, its really nothing great, just that he has been writing
so much in this place that he just found out that this one is actually post number sau…
until next time, i’m waiting.. someone say ‘so sweet’
until next time, i’m waiting.. someone say ‘so sweet’
hmmmm, loved each of them!!!
Um, so sweet?!
‘Sau’ sweet!
Congrats on the milestone ! Look forward to more frm you
century mubaakrak!
‘sau’ posts?
Waiting for ‘ek sau ek’!
awwwww…..cho chweet
stone: thank ye
deez: thank you
mirage: why the ?
may be am in that early stages now ….
who knows it may happen the reverse for me .. may find rediff better than this …
nupur: yup, that would be next..:)
kamal: thx for dropping by… and yes, maybe
century mubarak!
Congrats man! Keep ’em coming!
post number sau… wah wah… keep it coming !!!
sou bahane karke likh diye sou, likh diye sou….
keep ’em comin’, friend.
there. said it
and congrats on sau posts. shine on.
from “manuji” (*smirk*) to “oy hoy manu..” mubarak on the run rate.
pixel: thank you
gabby: that i will
parna: thank you
austere: lol