Howling was a worried author. Though her books were appreciated by the masses, she hadn’t been able to reach quite the same level as a certain Mr.Erle Stanley Gardner. and she was quite sure that it was mostly due to the one star character that Gardner had created – perry mason. yes, thought Howling, that was what she needed – an iconic character. she didn’t want to take the competition head on, so the character couldn’t be a lawyer. there was only one profession that could offer the same kind of thrills, mystery, sex and intrigue – a private detective. and thus was born Parry Hotter. Parry, a take on Perry, and Hotter, because Howling thought hes character would be, well, a much hotter proposition in the market. and what followed was
Parry Hotter and the Philosopher’s Stone
Donald Chump had everything – money, power, hair, a successful reality show, but in spite of all this, he was a worried man. Women hated him. In spite of all the pheromone perfumes and pickup lines that his staff wrote for him, he simply couldn’t woo a woman. But he still had some hope, for legend had it that a philosopher in ancient Greece had found the secret of what women really wanted, and had capsuled the secret into a stone. Chump was told by his advisers that if it existed, there was only one man who could get it for him – Parry Hotter. Chump only told him two words – You’re hired!! And thus begins Parry’s journey to Greece and its past. Will Parry get the stone? Will Chump become a lady’s man??In the very first book of the series, Howling has created a character that looks all set to become an icon for generations to come.
Parry Hotter and the Chamber of Secrets
It is said that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. In the second book of the series, Howling has raised controversial questions on America’s legislature, the Clinton administration and the nation’s esteemed judiciary. Parry Hotter has been hired by certain politicians to investigate rumours about the secret happenings in the presidential chambers. As he gets sucked into the vortex of political manipulation, lust, greed, scandal, sex and power, the tension mounts. Will Parry get his cover blown? Or will he get the job done?
Parry Hotter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
In this new novel, set in the war torn middle east, Howling has tried to take a moral stance on global issues. Parry Hotter has been enlisted by a rebel group to help its leader escape from the heavily guarded military base at Azkaban. Battling double agents, regime loyalists, lookalikes, and deadly arab damsels, and torn between loyalty to his nation and global sympathy, Parry has to decide – is he saving a tyrannical dictator or an old man who stood up to the most powerful nation on earth?
Parry Hotter and the Goblet of Fire
Its a threat as old as the world itself. Countless people have fought it and countless have succumbed to it – drugs. In his new adventure, Parry Hotter is on the trail of a mandarin who holds the secret to the most potent drug in the scene today. Known as the goblet of fire, the addictive potion has already killed thousands and is well on its way to destroying millions more. as parry hunts the mandarin of death from the jungles of colombia to the beaches of goa, and the drug infested streets of hong kong to the teeming nightlife of London, he comes face to face with the troubles of a generation, which is in search of itself. Can parry douse the fire thats eating up an entire generation??
Parry Hotter and the Order of the Phoenix
In her stunning new novel, Howling brings Parry full circle. Thanks to Parry, Donald Chump is now quite a lady killer. But in his quest for more power, he has created an army of deadly female assassins. With the help of the Philosopher’s stone, he has manipulated them to having only a single mission – helping Chump become the most superior power on earth. From models and actresses to princesses and heads of state, chump continues to lure more and more women into his army of assassins. He has named them the ‘order of the phoenix’, for the sheer lust for them could make men rise even from their ashes. As the world awakens to the threat of Chump, it becomes evident that there’s only one man who can save the earth from the clutches of Chump – Parry Hotter.
Parry Hotter and the Half Blood Prince
Parry Hotter has retired from his life of adventure. But even he cant resist a challenge, especially when there’s royalty involved. The young prince of England is ready for his coronation. All of England is in joy, but a dark cloud is in the horizon. it has become known that there’s someone who wants to assassinate the prince. As a pall of gloom envelops the royal family, it also becomes known that the villain in the piece is none other than the illegitimate son of the prince’s mother and her businessman lover. Raised by his grandparents after his parents’ horrible death in a car crash, he is known as the half blood prince.
As he battles the vested interests of tabloids in search of scandals and former royal employees turned bestselling authors, the world expects magic from parry, but has he met his match this time??
until next time, i can see brickbats and broomsticks chasing me…..
Update: If you liked the above, you might also want to read Hogwash – The Finale
very interesting read, oh that “Chump” angle iss too good….so are the rest.
until next time, waiting to find if james hardly chase!!!
evidently u havent read a word of the half blood prince! ye muggle! dont be muddled;)
I am inspired to amke a movie out of Jurassic Park, Godzilla and Anaconda after reading this post.
ROTFL…!!! Loved the blog title.
cool, dude.
Move aside ‘EnglishWoman’, Manu is here!!!
If Chump had no hair, this Chase novel could have been titled “Balder Dash”. Hilarious!
Hehe! U might add a laughing audience to the brickbats and broomsticks chasing u!
LMFAO @ chamber of secrets … u shud get this stuff published Manu! But tell me, have u real all the Potter books?
deez: he got popular for those splendid covers his novels had
blokes: yes, quite evidently..:D
arunima: ab hindi main!!
stone: lol
ob4p: thank ye
mirage: that would be a welcome addition
SwB: no way.. i just got the list of titles, the closest i have come to is the e-version that pleo sent me.. have read all of 2 pages
Lol….bloody brilliant, man! Love the template too…..its not as fancy but its easier on the eye.
Haha, very nice
You must try out the Harry Potter’s for real too you know
Who knows you might actually like them?
ideasmith: thank you
cc: i dont think so.. but i think i will like LOTR…
awesome man. awesome. had me rolling.
but that said – do try the potter books. close your eyes and forget the hype.
if you like fantasy, you will like potter for the easy reading it makes.
Lol! Great stuff.
parna: i actually started the latest one and reached till the end of the second page.. but i think i will try lotr…:)
JW: as in THE JW??!! back?? now thats cool
but Manu you Have To start from book 1. else it will all not make any sense at all.
neither will you understand clearly the importance job that Harry is on
I see a courtroom, J K Rowling, judges and lawyers of course, press and Manu too!
Sue- that can be the name of a girl too. Or a kitchen. Or…
parna: very important indeed
poornima: lol.. i get the drift ..
This is priceless, Manu !
Absolutely LMAO… Parry Hotter .. Zindabad.
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while on #budgetpotter, a shameless plug for my Parry Hotter works –